Show Champion
Gunsyn Everywhere
6 CC's inc Bitch CC CRUFTS 2020
Born: 01.04.2017
(UK Sh Ch, Int Ch & Ch Polcevera’s Ercole ShCM x Sh Ch Gunsyn Pomata)
KC/BVA Hip 4:3

Lulu is by Sh Ch Polcevera's Ercole and Sh Ch Gunsyn Pomata the first champion to champion mating in the UK.
To date Lulu has won 6 challenge certificates including the bitch CC at Crufts 2020 under esteemed italian judge Dr M Ivaldi

At just 6 months old and her first show, Lulu won BPIB and RBPIS at the HPR Club of Scotland in October 2017.
She has had two litters to date by Lexus producing some super puppies including Logan and Cooper, both of whom have won Reserve CC's and CC's under the age of two. Logan has 1 CC with BOB and a Group 4 place from LKA 2022. Lulu whelped her second litter on 10th July 2022 . Gunsyn Hottoddy & Gunsyn Hotrod both made their show debut at Manchester 2023 where they were placed 1st and 2nd in Puppy and Hotrod went BPIB. We are very proud to have exported Gunsyn Hotstuff to the USA where she will be worked, trialled and shown by Missy Bettis and Heather Beuhner. We look forward to hearing more about her new adventures.

At the Bracco Italiano Society championship show in March 2018, Lulu won Best Puppy Bitch & Reserve Best Puppy in Show only beaten by her litter brother Gunsyn Tusk who won Best Puppy in Show. Tusk is also now a Sh Ch and won the CC and BOB at Crufts 2022 for his owner Natalie Jackson.