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Gunsyn Albarari

Born: 10.10.2012
Died: October 2016
(Hidalgo Di Cacciola x Pomona Dei Vicini Del Monastero at Gunsyn)
Hip score 3:6

Elbows 1
Eyes tested CLEAR

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2 CC, 1 BOB & 2 RCC

Although Pirelli is no longer with us since his untimely death, he still continues to make his mark. His son, Zakro Vito won the DCC at SKC (May) from the Puppy class!

Vito wins the RCC at National Gundog 2017 behind Atticus.

Vito has also won his Junior Warrant, an amazing achievement so far!

Pirelli is a repeat mating of the excellent litter that produced Gunsyn Pomata. He is proving to be an excellent working dog and has a real zest for life.

A very gentle, handsome young chap who is slowly learning the gundog trade! At his first show he went BPIS and his second show was Best Gundog Puppy – he will be sparingly shown over the next year.  He will be health tested at 1 year old.

Pirelli wins Best Dog and Best Opposite Sex at the Bracco Italiano Society open show and also Best Dog at City of Birmingham the same day!

Pirelli does the double with his sister Eva at National Gundog 2015 winning the DCC!

Pirelli and Eva win the double again at WKC 2015 under Mrs Patsy Hollings, this time Pirelli winning Best of Breed

At the BIS championship show March 2016, Pirelli wins the RDCC.

© Gunsyn Bracco 2023

Website design: Sue Bell

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