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Pomona Dei Vicini Del Monastero
at Gunsyn
(imp NLD)

(Multi Ch  WW BIS Axel Del Monte Alago x NL Ch Isotta Dei Vicini Monastero)
Born: 25.8.06  
Hips 4:3 Elbow = 0
Eye tested CLEAR


Dog World/Yumega TOP BROOD BITCH 2014
Dog World/Yumega TOP BROOD BITCH 2015 
Dog World/Yumega TOP BROOD BITCH 2016 
Our Dogs/Eden TOP BROOD BITCH 2017

Pomona was imported into the UK in 2007 - although not a natural show girl, she is a very keen worker. None the less she had a very successful show career, winning numerous Best of Breeds and Best Bitches at Champ shows. She had 2010 off due to a cruciate rupture and maternity leave. In 2012, she took time out for her second successful litter, a repeat mating of Lily. This was to become the most significant litter produced in the UK.

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© Gunsyn Bracco 2023

Website design: Sue Bell

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